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Our Mission

Engaging in Temple projects and activities that provide meaningful services to our community, sponsoring and promoting community-building projects, and giving members the opportunity to explore and celebrate their male Jewish spirit.


Benefits of Membership

  • Participate in numerous social events including Men’s Night Out, monthly breakfast Membership meetings, the annual Super Bowl Party, Fishing Trips and Sports Outings, and other “get-togethers”.
  • Support the annual Religious School “welcome back” Picnic, the spring Congregational Picnic, and the annual Purim Carnival activities.
  • Engage in Mitzvah projects including supplying food to the local FEAST food pantry, hosting the Brotherhood Shabbat service, ushering for the High Holy Days, and greeting congregants at Friday Shabbat services..
  • Help build a Sukkah for Sukkot!
  • Plan and participate in innovative fundraisers and activities, some in partnership with the Sisterhood.
  • Attend monthly Temple Ahavat Shalom Book Club meetings, sponsored in conjunction with the Ariel Goldman Library.
  • …and many more!

Don’t Just Join……Become Involved!  Volunteers are needed and appreciated! Please let us know where you can help:

  • Ushering & Services
  • Feast Project volunteering
  • Membership Committee
  • Speaker Events
  • Book Club
  • Purim & Chanukah Parties, Temple Picnics for Religious School
  • Fundraising
  • Brotherhood Board
  • Sukkah Building
  • Men’s Night Out

TAS Book Club

The TEMPLE BOOK CLUB, a joint collaboration of the Ariel Goldman Memorial Library and the Brotherhood meets the 4th Sunday of each month at 10:30 am. Check the Temple website calendar for dates and times of upcoming Book Club Meetings.

Upcoming Events

Tue, January 21 2025 21 Tevet 5785